Friday, May 8, 2009


This would probably be useful. Times will be in NZ time (UCT +12) and also whatever is the local time. Bold is the local time/date.

~ Flight to Auckland - Sunday 10 May. Leave 3:55pm, arrive at 5pm.
~ Flight to Los Angeles. 12 hours (oh dear). Leave at 7:15pm on Sunday 10 May, arrive in LA at 7:15am on Monday 11 May (NZ time). In LA time, arriving at 12:15pm on Sunday 10 May. Woah, time travel.
~Flight to New York. Leaves at
3:56pm (LA, Sun 10), 10:56am (NZ, Mon 11) and 6:56pm (NY, Sun 10, I think!). Arrives at 12:15am (NY, Mon 11) and 4:15pm (NZ, Mon 11).
Geez, that's craaaazy!

Now going back. After looking at the dates, I wondered what happened to the 19th of May. Maybe I will find out after converting the times.

~Flight to San Francisco - Monday 18 May. Leaves at 2:59pm (NY, Mon 18), 6:59am (NZ, Tues 19), 11:59am (San Fracisco (SF?), Mon 18). Arrives at 6:26pm (SF, Mon 18), 1:26pm (NZ, Tues 19), 9:26pm (NY, Mon 18).
~Flight to Auckland. Leaves at 9pm (SF, Mon 18), 4pm (NZ, Tues 19). Arrives at 5:15am (NZ, Wed 20), 11:15am (SF, Tues 19).
~Flight home! Wednesday 20 May. Leaves at 6:50am, arrives at 7:55am.

In conclusion, too much time is spent traveling. It's more like 7 days in NY than 10! I feel cheated out of a Tuesday.
Despite arriving early in NZ on the Wednesday, I don't think I will go to school. That day will have to be the replacement (albeit a poor one) for Tuesday.

I'm sure that was confusing as hell.

1 comment:

  1. That is just plain...
    Good luck with all that jet lag!!! :P!~
