Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday in NYC

I should talk about the cabs, cause I forgot about it in the last post. I think that nearly every other car is a cab. There are TONS of them. I could count 16 at one point, and that was only in front of the cab I was in! They also have some funky screens at the back that have maps and ads. Quite flash.
Anyway, today we had to move from our apartment. It was a tiny one, and some friends of ours who have gone away to some place let us stay in theirs. Cool. It is very flash and filled with paintings (which in my opinion, look bad). Modern art is wacky. Though apparently there's a painting of Picaso's in here...
My sister an I spent ages waiting for my dad to stop sleeping (he spends a lot of time sleeping) and around 1pm we finally left.
We took a cab to the corner of Canal street and Mott... street? It was in China town which had a lot of Chinese stores. My dad was hunting for sunglasses, so we stopped occasionally to check some out. He didn't find any in China town. There was supposedly an anime store that Ana found a picture of, but it was not there. There was supposedly a store called Canal Jeans, but Ana couldn't find it and my dad got annoyed. So we walked around and Ana and I got a t-shirt each (will show a picture of it later). We then took a cab to ground zero, which was where the WTC (Twin towers) used to be. My dad for some reason wanted to get a photo of the... nothingness. Anyway, we got some sushi, and we went to a depertment store called "Century 21" because they had sunglasses. Dad spent ages in there, and finally picked a pair. We then went ton the subway.
Dad was against this. We went anyway so I could see it. If I had ever been on it, I would have not remembered at all. It was smelly and not particularly clean. We spent aaaages trying to find the right place to be, and finally got on the... train? and went on. We got someplace and went to an anime store.
This was something I'd been awaiting eagerly! There were playing anime music in the store. Is it bad that I recognised all but one song that played? Well, anyway, I bought stuff. I got a C.C. cellphone charm, a little Rolo clip-thing, a little figure of Tsukasu from Lucky Star (it was a random draw), Tieria from Gundam 00 (another random draw) and a Fullmetal Alchemist bag! Sorry Danae, they didn't have the Roy Mustang figurine :( I got you a keychain of him if you want it though, and a Ryuk keychain for Steph if she wants it. If not, more for me~~
We then went to Borders and... I got a FMA art book! It rocks. We then went to some health store where my dad bought stuff. Then we went back to the apartment.
We pretty much chilled, then went to watch American Idol! Except we were disturbed by some visitors (urg). Oh well. Still managed to sort of hear them sing.
Then we had dinner and I got to practice piano! That was cool. The piano is on the 38th floor of the building. Well, it's two buildings joined together. One is 26 floors, then other is 38. Hooray.

Pictures will come sometime later when I remember.


  1. HEY! How you are you? Stupid question! obviously you're great!!!
    Sorry but i didn't see any of your posts until today(Wednesday 13th). We had some virus problems and had to re format hard-drive!!! :(
    I don't know if anyone has told you but you got an Excellence on that Physics practice test!(Hooray for you!)
    Also, you'll get back just in time to do speeches in English!!! *sarcastic excitement*
    Well, this has been longer then i thought!...
    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Lots of hugs: Danizzle!

    P.S. YAY ROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :]

    P.s.s. Sorry about all the exclamation marks! :(

  2. Aww, that sucks. I guess the computer is going now?
    Hooray, I thought I would fail :P Anyone else get an E? Can you ask Mr Flynn if I Achieved the unit standard for Coordinate Geometry? Also, did we get our marks back for the static images in English?
    Roy~~~!!!! The exclamation marks are all good when with Roy~~

  3. Thomas says you passed Coordinate Geometry. Sorry, don't know what you got for the static image, but we all got our marks back. Uh, Stacey and Michael and a year 11 also got E in Physics, I was 1 mark off :(

  4. Oh, neat. Aww about not quite getting it :( I'm sure you will on the actual one though!
