Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday in NYC

Today has really made me wonder what my life would be like if I had stayed and lived here in New York. Ah well, I like it back home. I like to live in a house with a backyard and the river behind us. But there's also something nice about living in a big building that your friends live in too...

To start off, I had a wacky dream. I was flying around and had neat powers. I could do some hand gestures and make things explode. Awesome. I was walking, er, hovering around some old looking place (or was that another dream) and I was cutting up monsters with flicks of my wrist. There was a horse made of lava that I had trouble exploding with my mind, so I tried slashing it up a bit. I can't remember what happened, but something Pokemon-related happened and as my dreams usually do, it descended into incomprehensibility. I woke up.
I sat around this morning after getting up. Ana luckily did not drink too much (or at all?) last night. She went our with friends (again).
My mom, dad and I went to the Museum of Modern Art. It was filled with bizarre art. I am not a friend of modern art. There is lots of it in the apartment I'm staying at, and there is maybe one or two that I think look alright. These things are probably worth thousands of dollars... I can't imagine why at all. The weirdest one is still a cat with a cart in it on top of buildings and the clown in there. I think I got a picture. It's really just bizarre.
Anyway, onto the art in the museum. We went to the top floor and there was weird art. Most of it was stuff with scribbles and letters. There was a bunch of nylon strings hanging from the ceiling. Weird. I think it was on this floor where there were a bunch of stick attached together by wire. It was bizarre.
The next floors had some more well known artists. There was a few of Picasso's paintings which were... bizarre. There was someone called Frida who my dad said was famous. Her paintings were pretty good actually. There was a room which was filled with paintings with lines and some coloured in squares. Another painting I saw was a white square with a slightly different shade of white to the background. I really don't get it. An interesting room was one that had measurements of the entrance and other things in it. It was appropriately named "Measurement Room". A common sign around the place was "The occupation of more than x persons is dangerous and unlawful", but in red and with capital letters.
We left, and started to walk back to our apartment because we couldn't catch a cab. A few dozen passed us, but they were all occupied! Our walk back took about 45 minutes. Crazy. I also had, and still have, an overwhelming desire to press a button at the pedestrian crossing. All of them are always on, unlike in NZ. There have an orange hand for 'stop' and a person walking for 'walk'.
After a while, we finally got back. Then we went down to the playground and barbecue area (beats me what the name is) cause it was a Serbian kid's birthday. We played hide and go seek tag again. We had access to the buildings this time, but the doormen told us off. The boys kept cheating and making excuses when they were tagged. Mean boys :< Even so, it was pretty cool. Me and two other girls were playing in the play ground a bit, and Ana came back from wherever she went. It was quite fun, and that's what really made me wonder what it would be like to still be living there.
It all finished up, and we went back to the apartment. Now I had to endure another long trip back home... arg :s I just hope my foot survives. My right foot hurt a bunch when I watched over to the kitchen. Walking so much and running around must make my feet sore, heh.
Well, hope everyone is doing well. I'll be seeing you all on Thursday :3 Look for for messages on Wednesday though. I'll be back by 8am or so!


  1. Yay! It'll be good to see you again :)
    P.S Mr Flynn says he misses you...

  2. He won't when he finds out I haven't done any work on the challenge :D

  3. you better have done some challenge work >:
